Full of hoes & stank bitches getting exposed. 3 fights a week and all the niggas are hoes
by Lolxyeah February 21, 2018
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Fred Flintstone's Memory Match was produced by Coastal Amusements in 1994.

Coastal Amusements released 68 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1987.

Other machines made by Coastal Amusements during the time period Fred Flintstone's Memory Match was produced include Fred Flinstones Memory Match, Pop-A-Slot, Toy King claw machine, Slam Dunk, Sea Wolf, Powaire Jr. Air Hockey Table, Water High Rise, Roosta Shoota, Bug Blitz, and Big Wheel.
by Your bob September 2, 2022
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It's what vovich has
I have a checkered memory. there is a 50/50 chance that i might remember what colour my tshirt was 4 years ago and same rule applies for my breakfast today
by CitizenKhaine August 4, 2019
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when a pothead begins to have/maintain very poor memory
Friend 1: bro what happened yesterday?
friend 2: were u off the za?
friend 1: hell yeah

friend 2: yeah that’s that stoner memory
by fareedaaly May 11, 2022
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When you remember something so goddamn hard that it physically hurts your brain for a bit
Friend: Remember that show we used to watch with the bears and the juice that made them jump a lot?

Me: Gummi Bears!!! Yo that just gave me a memory headache
by TheyCallMeJones August 28, 2022
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the ability to remember where pictures, screenshots & memes are in your phone based around the time that you received a nude from someone
AP: you're literally never going to find that meme, its been years
Louie: Bet, i have a pornagraphic memory and i know Emily sent me a nude right around the time I saved that meme
by Snaplatts January 19, 2021
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Random images ingrained in your memory for no apparent reason, that are too vague to analyze, or try to understand why? you remember them and not other random images from life.
Ex, suddenly being reminded of the sight of walking through a carnival from ten years ago, or a person from a dream who you never knew, that come back to you occasionally.
"Matchbox" memory, because they're so small and disposable (so flammable) but somehow they never disappeared; like a match lighting on fire in an instant, a matchbox memory just comes to you for no reason, but you know you've already thought about it sometime before.
You know those things you remember, that are like flashbacks but they don't mean anything? Those one-frame memories taking up space in your brain for no reason? That's a matchbox memory. Images from your life that don't mean anything but that you can't shake
by The Second Boz May 7, 2017
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