When you’re so sexually excited, you shit yourself. From the classic B52’s song. “Love shat, baby love shat!”
….My Mrs was so horny the other night, she love shat!
by Matt!1 September 29, 2021
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To ruin one self's or another's chance to get pussy.
Guy 1: Dude I didn't end up getting laid last night
Guy 2: Shat on your cat huh?

Guy 1: George shat on a cat at his date.
Girl 1: Damn, he's had blue balls for weeks.

Guy 1: My dad busted into my room when my girlfriend was over and totally shat on my cat.
Guy 2: I feel you bro, my parents make me keep my door open.
by Kiirah May 5, 2018
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Shat face, means sad face with a little shit involved. Someone with a Shit attitude..
My wife woke up with the biggest shat face, she must be sad and mad..
by Deezknutz October 18, 2022
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Flushing three times during a single pooping session.
I'm not trying to waste water Mom, but after the courtesy flush, the primary disposal, and a leftover floater, I had a shat trick.
by Harrison_Bergeron February 4, 2023
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Having 3 (or more) bowel movements in a 24 hour period.
The hot dog eating contest sent me to the bathroom twice by 4:00. By 6:00 I was going for the shat trick..
by Galacticswine January 26, 2021
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Another word for shitted on but the term used for shatted
I just shatted on you you suc balls
by Aleexander October 28, 2020
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