When a guy shoves his penis in a females ass and when he pulls it out there is shit on the penis.
Lauren when is the last time u shit u just gave me a chilli dog”.
by Chilli dog master April 17, 2021
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When she pukes on your weenie while giving you a bj
Damn bro, Jessica gave me a chilli dog last night…”
by Sudane March 14, 2023
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A man who does everything right and wrong at the same time; breaks rules that are meant to be broken
*bartender serves a generous pour* “he must be a chilly boy
by JAAAA! January 7, 2023
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When you’re just so vicariously cold! You’re shivering your little timbers and shaking your bones. You’re chilly as a beetle, wishing you could be snug as a bug in a rug!
Damn man I’m chilly as a beetle

It’s so cold i’m literally as chilly as a beetle rn 😭😭❤️
by Brookwyn October 18, 2023
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Chilli dogged, is the action of analy sexing your female partner and pulling out prior to ejaculation and reinserting into the vagina against her wishes.
Bro , I totally chilli dogged that chick last night.
by belhieg December 14, 2016
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What you'll likely suffer from if you "mow da lawn" too early in da Spring, before da weather moderates sufficiently for da lower half of your face to feel warm enough when "directly" exposed to outdoor-temperatures.
I made the mistake of shaving off my thick bushy winter-beard in early April, and now I gots Chilly-cheeks Syndrome!
by QuacksO August 4, 2018
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