Tuam/Galway slang for shoes

It is pronounced Shkates with a softer A to emphasize that you are talking about shoes and not roller skates or ice skates

Comparable to other slang words like Crepes which also refer to shoes and not a type of french pancake
Person 1: Sham, those are some fresh new skates
Person 2: Thanks man, they're fresh out the box too
Person 1: Where can I get some J1s like that
Person 2: Sure you can get them anywhere online for a good price if you search hard enough!
by Guywegian April 11, 2021
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A person that goes person to person during relationships is often called a skate
Oh you saw Brianna she’s such a
Skate she just dated Alex now Tommy and is back with Jermey.. skate
by Definor April 6, 2019
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A scale usually used for measuring narcotics
Him: I just got it fam u got skates
Jim: yeah I’ll bring it through
by SirBrolic July 31, 2018
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a skate skank is a someone who only goes after skaters. like a puck slut is for hockey players, a skate skank is for skaters
didn’t you hear? she’s a total skate skank, you’re definitely not her type.
by turndown4chay July 24, 2018
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Boofer skate gang: started by nicolai and his older brother the notorious didonato brothers. They are satanist and like what they say on the streets, scary mofos. The brothers got kicked outta multiple schools due to smoking grass and eating ass; They have been sent to multiple rehabilitation centers, but nothing seems to work. They are mentally ill and crazy italian mafia drug attics with their dead papi joe and hammy on their side RIP. They are the Gs tho.
The boofer skate gang finna come pow pow ya, ya hurrrrrrd...
by badbitches21 April 25, 2020
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