The act of waking up on a Sunday morning, smoking some weed, and then chilling and enjoying yourself.

Any very relaxed, laid back seshes that take place in the daytime. May come on the tail end of a really crazy night.
A: How was your weekend? I heard about the party on Saturday...

B: Yeah it was lame as fuck, it got broken up after like a hour. I did crack a Sunday Sesh the day after though, which was pretty chill.
by Philcifer June 18, 2008
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Partaking in a huge lash on a Sunday, knowing full well you have to get up early for work on Monday and then struggling all week to get through the hangover. The plus side is it's the closest you can get to that naughty feeling of underage drinking once you're over 18/21.
i know we shouldn't be doing it, but it's so good, Suicide Sunday!!
I feel hanging today, we committed suicide sunday yesterday!
by AJ Peacock June 30, 2011
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Someone who is driving extremely slow because they are stoned
"dude, this sunday driver must have been smokin' some dank bud, 'cuz he's going 10 in a 55 mph zone"
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The underwear you wear that you really shouldn't. It is called Sunday underwear because it is "Holey" (Holy).
Today is Tuesday and I haven't done laundry for two week. So I'm wearing my Sunday underwear.
by Nicholas123K December 20, 2010
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when a woman/man squats over their partner and takes a dump (poops) in their mouth.
oh give me a chocolate sunday baby!
by ilikecheescake March 9, 2008
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A "Christian" who goes to church on Sunday and spends the rest of the week forgetting everything he or she learned at church. Quick to judge others and whip out a scripture to beat you over the head with it, while failing to read the other 3 million bible verses that apply to them. A "warrior" for Christ when it's convenient for them.
Wow Sally is such a Sunday Warrior, always in church on Sunday, judging others by Monday, and smoking and drinking by Friday.
by Feddup December 8, 2010
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Only day of the week where you can roughhouse with whom ever you so please.
Man 1: My wife is acting like a real hoe lately.
Man 2: Dude, it’s roughhouse Sunday, go beat that hoe up.
Man 1: Bro, your right , ima get that hoe in a rear naked choke!
by PandaMan11 December 15, 2019
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