when suraj continues to eat with out any end in sight!
example of a situation where you may use "dont be a hippo". wHEN Suraj S. Grewal IS EATING.
by deol_9 August 13, 2011
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To fart a stinker and let it collect inside a Thirsty Hippo. The Thirsty Hippo will then absorb the moisture from the fart.
I still remember the day when Carl gave Jennifer a putrid hippo for Christmas.
by Doent August 25, 2018
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by KordieVook February 25, 2017
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When you can't tell if an animal is a hippo or not
"man that's Hippo shameing
by Averagebanshee21 January 28, 2023
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the type of person who will help you do anything, even when it gets repetitive and annoying
Person 1: Hey dude do you mind helping me with carrying this box of XL sized dildos?
Person 2: Sure, no problem!
Person 1: What a Pasta "Hippo" Sauce
by Pр Man February 27, 2021
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My parents bought me a ford hippo as a graduation gift
by Carrrlos November 10, 2022
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Boy: Guess what today is?
Girl: What?
Boy: Its National Hippo Appreciation Day!
Girl: Ugh. No one cares about Hippos.
Boy: You really should. You know there going extinct?
Girl: No I didn’t know that!! I guess I should respect Hippos more!
by National Hippo day October 16, 2019
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