Our Labor Day cookout was fantastic! Had so much food everybody got a backyard combo and then some!
by Anonymouslyvociferous September 7, 2019
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A phrase coming from the popular web comic Homestuck

Meaning to initiate some sort of action twice in a row with the action being preformed being named some where within the message

With variants such as the x3 combo, x0 combo, x1 combo, x2 COMBOB, DRUNK HAPPEN xROSE COMBOBOB, x2 Double Combo, and 5x COMBO
Karkat: Facepalm x2 combo
by Psynomous Bosch January 21, 2021
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When you eat a McDonald's mcgriddle and take a minim of 3 jager bombs, after you friend hits you in the head with a baseball bat resulting in a co concussion; must finish all food and drink before passing out, otherwise it is only a mc'thumper attempt.
"Yo, I just got out of the er, I totally nailed that mc'thumper combo last night! "
by Tyathan May 30, 2016
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Usually used in fighting games; A combo (usually not blockable) that can be used to beat the opponent until 0 HP.

Used by niggas who have no skill so they keep doing a combo that you can't block until you lose or quit.
Why'd you got off?

Because you have no skill, you only use the same infinite combo!
by yu3ke! November 23, 2021
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A combination of needing to take a Dick Tingling Piss and an Asshole Splitting Shit. Typically you dance cause you need to pee really bad and you get on the toilet and start peeing and it's a relief. Immediately after you start taking a shit taking away your relief and feels like ot shreds up your asshole with nails then once the log drops it's relief again.
Damn, man. I got home and I had to deal with a Heaven Hell Combo. It was bad then it was great then it was bad again then it was great.
by Pokchop March 25, 2022
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a term used mostly in the fighting game community, used to define a difficult combo being executed mid-match. this difficult combo usually being from a clip on twitter posted by another player.
"damn i was winning, the he just hit me with a damn twitter combo then i died"
by bruhjustgivemeaname September 29, 2022
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