A movement that seeks to gets so called underaged sex made legal and promotes people having such sex.
by Deep blue 2012 November 21, 2009
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Some shade of lipstick that is called Underage Red... probably because of raping of small children. Ya, sorry sephora, I’m disappointed
Person: Man, did you hear about the “Underage Redcontroversy? Makes me sick.
Person 2: Yeah IKR literally I can’t believe this is the world we live in
by ahayeet October 20, 2018
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youngsters becoming strippers before the age of 6 in some exotic wetlands.
yesterday me and my pedophile bestfriend went to a UES (Underage Exotic Strippers) club. it was very entertaining watching those little japanese strippers show their stuff.
by coolpeople+rea+flem August 3, 2009
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People Against Underage Driving in Reverse, or P.A.U.D.I.R. for short, was formed on January 10th, 2007 after an accident in a residential driveway caused thousands of dollars in damage to a vehicle. The driver not named and under the legal driving age, put a truck in reverse and crashed.

The main mission of the P.A.U.D.I.R is to fight to keep residential streets, highways, and driveways safe from underage driving in reverse....
Oh Shit, People Against Underage Driving In Reverse are going to hunt that bitch down.
by Steve Perry January 11, 2007
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to minimize something's importance
Don't underagerate my love for you.
by Bev Bajgot March 30, 2007
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Father: Your mother only left me two sausages.

Mother: Don't underagerate! I left you at least six.
by YubaW June 17, 2010
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In the UK it is illeagal to swear under 12 years old amd could face charges such as a fine or 3 months in juvinille detention
Did you hear, he got arrested for underage swearing!
by Material_gworlll July 8, 2023
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