When somethings more than drippy or fire its “mad stanky. no stink straight stank”
Those shoes stanky my brutthaa 😩🥶🥵🥵🥶🥵🥶🔫🔥🔥✅💯❗️
by StankPolice November 17, 2020
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Looking good, fly. Usually for an event or holiday.
Friend 1: "Man did you see Arthur at the wedding yesterday?"

Friend 2: "Yeah dude was looking stanky!"
by thanner26 July 5, 2018
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An insult to mankind, commonly found in suburban neighborhoods, saying their dad is a police officer and will arrest you for no reason. If encountered he will run away from you if you say anything threatening. All in all, He's a douchebag, feel free to beat his ass and insult him..
Stanky is common insult used by people who know him.
Stanky says, "I'm tougher then you!"

My friend fakes him out, so he runs away.
by Anti-Stankie May 28, 2011
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The stanky blizzard is a dangerous, yet rewarding sexual position. To perform a "stanky blizzard", all you need is a woman and a kilo of cocaine. Pour the coke into your partner's vagina, and then have her queef it out forcefully in your general direction. The resulting cloud of cocaine will resemble a small blizzard. Inhale as much of it as you can before it settles. Repeat if the desired effect has not been reached.
I had an extra kilo of coke laying around so I gave that bitch a stanky blizzard.
by wtf69gfxs July 13, 2012
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Stanky pudding is a term for female genitalia engaged in cunnilingus, while also in need of hygienic attention. This could be due to performing physical activity in a hot environment but not having access to sufficient cleaning facilities for a day or more afterwards.
Jill: "I wanted to teach Jack a lesson about shoving his nasty wiener in my face after he's done at the gym. So after my two week camping trip with no running water, I stopped at his house on my way home and gave him the stanky pudding. Unfortunately, he loved it."

Jack: "Jill missed me so much while she was camping, she stopped at my house on her way home and sat on my face. I came all over the ceiling."
by butlerj March 21, 2014
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Noun. The act of giving and/or receiving a handjob while defecating into a toilet.
"Sharon gave Brian a stanky spanky after he ate too much Taco Bell. It was gross."
by the bees tits September 15, 2016
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A long white tee that you; eat, sleep, shit, and screw in. Then wear it out to the night club.
I am sure he has on a stanky-tee
by Apples1029 March 26, 2010
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