The British Royal Air Force. One of the best AFs in the world.
by AJAW August 20, 2004
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The greatest air force in the world, except the USAF. The RAF is a highly trained group of pilots respected accross the world.
Name's Nigel Stokes, 82nd squaron RAF wot? wot?
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rancid as fuck -- used in reference to a stinky bathroom or gym bag
Don't go in there, it's RAF
Puta gas mask on before getting my gym socks out, they're R.A.F.!
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada February 11, 2018
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"all of pip pip hoorays creations are amazing, so shut yo mouth"
-"you're raf"
by gemk November 20, 2011
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An acronym for Red As Fuck. Usually a hardcore blush
Trav - Babez you are so damn cute. Your gorgeous af

Drew - you're making me raf!
by xtravysx February 27, 2017
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Recruit a Friend, from the onlinegame World of Warcraft. If you recuits a friend, you'll get an ingame mount, and extra experience when you're leveling with your recruited friend.
I was supposed to go level with my RAF today, but he never logged on :(
by Elery June 3, 2010
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