Someone who is a Hurricane Katrina victum/survivor and required FEMA money in order to survive in Texas; a tiny African-American kid.

Also please be advised, Nigglets tend to attack local Texans for no reason.
1.Many people residing in Texas who are bad at school and make up wierd scentences. ex)

Kobe: Oh Mrs. teacher, I can go to da bathroom?
teacher: Actually it is said "May I go to the bathroom", and no you may not... nigglet
Kobe: ah man, I just wanna Rap.

2.A high school hustler.
by StankySam January 7, 2007
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a poor black baby, a nigglet devoid of a future. A poor black woman on welfare with a nigglet hanging off each breast.
by aryasatvan April 12, 2007
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1. Midget Niggers. 2. usually not dwarfs or elves. Of being or pertaining to midget niggers.
The nigglet was in the movie theater
nigglet nigglets nigglet's
by joe January 1, 2004
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Dang yo. That lil nigglet looks just like its dad.
by Phil uh April 29, 2008
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What Black parents/ adult family members call black children; usually a term of endearment meant to be funny
Uncle: y’all nigglets need to stop running in and out The house. Either you’re inside or outside
by PicoDeGalileo June 7, 2020
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That really skinny black girl who lives with her grandma and is so broke she getting those 20 chicken nuggets for 5 dollars . There goes that nigglet again. She on fire, looking like a human torch with those three pieces of natural hair sticking up from her head; maybe a zippo cux that flame small but she be talking too much N she need to zip it.
She on fire with that buffalo sauce for them nigglets.
by lizdawiz January 31, 2019
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A way of identifying a black kid, AKA BBB commonly use in the streets and urban areas.

Also a synonym and not racist way of saying The N word. Created by Saika in the late era when gangs were around.
That little Nigglet stole my Mcchicken or was good my Nigglet.
by Anonymous.357 August 28, 2021
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