A black person who does not want to be called the offensive N word
by Mexiiiiiiiiiiican September 16, 2010
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1) a more discrete term for those of the African-American race
2) One who nags
1) There's lots of naggers in this town.
2) I hate hanging out with Ray, he's such a nagger
by rebecca black890 August 14, 2011
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Richard: Why are those naggers just sitting there?

Joe: Richard you are such a white boy.
by Mitchdeeezi March 26, 2009
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A nagger is the shit you know you need to take but it’s not an emergency so you keep postponing the inevitable. A nagger will be a noticeable feeling of the need to shit that just nags all day without the need to clinch or fight it back but still providing discomfort.
I’ve had this nagger all day, I guess I should go take care of it.

I was lucky that I only had a nagger when I was on that date,I was able to hold it off thankfully, it could have been a screamer!
by Freightrain47 April 7, 2018
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Someone who you find annoying or is always complaining.
He is such a nagger, always nagging!
by S A T I R E November 19, 2017
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A spouse or significant other. Comes from the fact that they love to ride your back and never ever ever stop. God what a whipping... what a beatdown. And people wonder why half of the world cheats.?
With all the items on the honey-do list, Steve contemplated feeding his nagger arsenic.
by Leif February 18, 2005
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A substitute for the word nigga so white people dont feel left out.
Bill: Hello my nagger!
Tyrone: Fuk u say?!?!
by Mr.turds April 4, 2018
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