A word used by an idiot who copy’s other peoples words
My bad ...no that’s my word ...no I made it up not you
by JamieOates2k17 October 5, 2017
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A term used to say that you made a mistake and you acknowledge it.
Player A to Player B on a basketball court after Player A throws a pass away.

"My bad dawg, my bad."

This is done while pounding a clenched fist to your chest.
by 235 March 19, 2007
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Spoken when you realize you just did a major fuck-up, such as passing gas while having sex.
I hope farts turn you on, as I just blew one in your face.
by ArcticFox January 3, 2004
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The opposite of oh my goodness. When we have said or done something bad or sinful it is ones badness that had caused one to behave in such a manner.
Oh my badness! I have set the house on Fire.
by green923jade October 20, 2016
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1. It's a strong emotion or exclamation of acknowledging your shortcoming, fault, or evil done.
2. It's expression of surprise out of wrongly said or done.
oh my bad! I press the wrong key :-(
by primaverabebe April 14, 2011
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