to hit another with the sleeves of a borrowed sweatshirt.
You'll get fupped if you don't fup first, especially if you live in Fuping, China.
by The Biggest Fupper April 15, 2009
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an abbreviation of the exclamation, "Shut the fuck up!" Used to silence a loud and/or obnoxious person. Unlike the unabbreviated phrase, may be used in front of children or proper individuals without offense.
After several requests for silence, Tom turned to his fellow parishioner exclaiming, "Shut the fup! I'm trying to listen to the sermon!"
by gmoney63 April 1, 2007
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When you cant say fuck or feck say FUP! Originated in the Irish television series Father Ted when they were banned from cursing in the picnic area
"No fupping way! Fup off I was here first"
by SazD September 27, 2005
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an abbreviation of the exclamation, "Shut the fuck up!" Used to silence a loud and/or obnoxious person. Unlike the unabbreviated phrase, may be used in front of children or proper individuals without offense.
After several requests for silence, Tom turned to his fellow parishioner exclaiming, "Shut the fup! I'm trying to listen to the sermon!"
by GMoney63 March 1, 2007
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A PG way to say fucked up. Good for situations when parents or religious people are in the room.
Mom, this casserole is fup duck.

Joey fell off his bike, now his leg is fup duck.
by mecaro October 17, 2005
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The sticky sauce that oozes from the fat upper pussy.
by OGSM March 2, 2021
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