The day my parents divorced, my uncle turned to me and said, "Good work."
by rwpfister April 25, 2008
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The seperation of 2 people who loved each other once upon a time. Like a death, something that rips out the hearts of the children involved.
Mom, and daddy are now divorced. I'm still daddy's little girl, I just don't se ehim every day, and that's okay because he loves me.
by emma November 9, 2003
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The screwing you get for the screwing you got.
like, go to a lawyer..he will explain it to you.
by rand the Man October 28, 2003
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When a woman who deferred her dreams to make a home and raise children for the man she married, has to suddenly got out into the workforce again after being at home for seventeen years or so. She gets shit work, and his crafty lawyer finds many ways to screw her out of the child support check on a month to month basis. More often than not, she cannot generate the money to keep the home, is screwed out of any accrued pension funds, and is forced to subsist till the end of her days. The source of her misery is usually a combination of two things: A horny little secretary or nurse (hose hog opportunist, I think you call them), and a man who is going through the "change of life".
Popular wisdom says she gets the house and the car and the easy life, but statistics prove women who survive divorce almost invariably experience a lower standard of living, while the men's goes up. You've heard of the well documented pay inequity in this country, haven't you, titmouse?
by One Who Knows April 21, 2004
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I divorced his sneaky stealing arse, but now I live in a hole
by AnonBitch May 14, 2006
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You ignorant idiots. The reality is that women are the ones who get ripped off financially from divorce. That's a myth that comes from the stereotype of women being gold-diggers. What's way more typical is women becoming single mothers who have no way of making ex-husbands pay child support.
You make me sick. I want a divorce.
by spanakopita November 3, 2005
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Something there is way too much of in America. Statistics say approximately 50% of American marriages end in divorce. This is a very sad statistic if true. Divorce has numerous affects that can lead too emotional or financial insecurity for the couple, depression, and children and the family lose the foundation. It causes an awful lot of pain for the children involved. Often the children rarely get to see/visit one of the parents. Divorce can also create insecurity and a lack of trust for the children of divorced parents in their future relationships. Divorce affects much more than just the immediate party involved. It has affected much of American society, because the breakdown of the home leads to the breakdown of society with no foundation. Marriage and the family is the foundation of society and divorce breaks it down to produce an unstable society. This is a FACT. I'm tired of the politically correct nitwits claiming divorce is an improvement to the quality of your life for those who want their freedom again. This is bullcrap. If you want your freedom, then don't get married. Divorce has affects on society and always will. Period.

Most religions despise divorce and with good reason. In some rare instances, divorce can be an improvement. For example, the Bible and Christianity teach that divorce is acceptable (but not necessarily the first option) in marriages that involve infidelity, abandonment and abuse, BUT only as a last resort if things cannot be worked out. Who’s marriage doesn’t have problems and challenges? But divorce should NEVER be an option because any marriage can be rejuvenated. Don’t like your spouse anymore? Then do something to get closer to them: take a weekend trip together, have a date night once a month, ALWAYS apologize to each other after a disagreement, talk your disagreements out, focus on the good things about your spouse, etc. But divorce should NEVER be considered.
Divorce is a social cancer in America that has lead to instability in society.
by December 17, 2007
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