not straight, A.K.A., gay, and slightly flamboyant.
That guy is really curvy.
Thats curvy.
by randomdude9098876 August 20, 2010
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To dick down a girl with your penis that is seriously bent to one side. Despite its name, this copulative act is not limited to Mexican men.
I know I hit Shanequia’s G-spot last night cuz I was hammering her home with my Curvy Sanchez!
by Mizzlebone June 12, 2020
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A male who loves the curvy females. One who adores BBW, ample butts, ample breasts, thick hips and thighs.

"These women are whole women, not half women. And its always a party when you're with them." - Johnny Kaufman
Benny is a curvy catcher. He always has been. He always will be. It is twice the thrill touching and holding the large, lovely ladies. It is twice the thrill making love to them. He loves the thick chicks by far.

When he passes a skeletal type on the street he always suggests she should eat a french fry.
by PDXJohnny99 April 25, 2013
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Making your index and middle finger into a vagina to show when someone is being a pussy and/or vagina about wanting to do something.
Dustin: Tyler said he didn't want to go play football because he didn't want to get hurt

Alex: Wow, what a pussy

Dustin: Yeah he was chuckin' the curvy dueces last night
by donkeypunch_26 June 13, 2011
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A woman who is slim, but has an hourglass figure - small waist, flat stomach and wide hips.
It's a synonym for slim thicc that you can actually use around the dinner table without getting the side-eye from Boomers and Gen X
Say what you mean, without saying it at all.
You don't look fat, you're slim-curvy
She was slim THHH - aaahh, slim- curvy.
by RaraRabs March 27, 2020
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A vagina specifically one thats dirty
"hey your a dirty curvy"

"what the heck is that"

"A vagina"
by dirtrasta December 4, 2009
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A generally Scottish/ British term for what Americans call bobby pins, the wire clips girls wear in their hair.
Girl 1: Oi, mate! Ya got any curvy grips? Ma hair's falling in ma face!
Girl 2: Sure babes here's some. Did ya ken people in the States call these bobby pins?
by mimibear96 September 17, 2012
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