N. To create a impact and influence a direction or outcome.

V. creased, creas·ing, creas·es
"Wow! You made a creased my decision, thank God!"

"You creased my way of thinking"
by Thesmartone February 18, 2012
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Someone who is extremely drunk and cannot walk.
Look at Brett, he is creased
by kmc8834 June 26, 2006
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A womans vagina, expecially when she is leaning to the side. See Britney Spears latest pics. It is great when watching football because announcers refer to a hole in the defense as a "crease" often enough to look at your buddies and say "he he, Madden just said crease."
Dude, I split Ashley's crease Reggie Bush style last night.
by Brad120g January 30, 2007
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verb - To hit or make a dent in
By tha way, any a' y'all evah aks me about my sistah, I crease yo' head wit' a three-hole punch.
by Eric Chang February 5, 2004
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Man if he would have said one more thing, I would have Creased his ass!!
by D.A. TRUTH187 December 20, 2006
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