a great event such as a flood or earthquake that will destroy the whole world at some fututre time. After the event, a new world of peace, harmony and welfare will emerge.
The world time bomb is ticking away.
by uttam maharjan March 24, 2010
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A Russian or other women of eastern European ethnicity, who will undoubtedly explode when they reach the pre-designated genetic time frame. The latter usually being ages 40+ but there are reported incidents of this happening as young as 30 or even sooner if they have children. This explosion is what constitutes them as a Russian Time-bomb. The young beautiful Russian women will transform into the gruff logger, possibly sporting a thin beard, chopping firewood outside of the cabin surrounded by a gaggle of spawn.
"I had to return my mail order bride Tawnya as she reached the point of maximum impact and the Russian Time-bomb detonated."
by GandalftheGreen January 11, 2012
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When your dick's about to blow during a blowjob and you don't tell her it's coming.
I gave Melissa a kinky time bomb last night and she got creamed in the face.
by TorturedSoul January 14, 2010
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When a girl is on her birth control and knows the exact date of her period. Instead of wearing a tampon, she times the release of her period and sticks her bloody vagina on her boyfriend's face while he's sleeping.
Did you hear about Aaron getting the cherry time bomb from his girlfriend last weekend? Talk about kinky.
by Zach October 24, 2007
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Tightly-packed marijuana in a gelatin capsule.
"I dropped two Mississippi time bombs before noon and by two o'clock I was baked as a cake!"
by Topper Sullivan December 19, 2008
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A joint with the tip rolled into a point and put into a bong bowl piece. The bowl piece is then packed with weed around the joint to create more of a seal. It is called a Russian time-bomb because instead of water, vodka is being used in the bong. The joint is then lit and smoked down to the bottom. It then ignites the packed weed with the current burn, thus making it a Russian time bomb.
Two people smoking
Guy#1: Wanna smoke?
Guy#2: sure lets make a Russian time-bomb!
by Kakashi_hatake_ January 16, 2021
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when a female is giving you a blowjob in the shower and you clean yourself while this is happening and you realize you have not released your inner love for a while and when you do it explodes causing the girl to swallow your love and therefore locking you supposed love for each other
Mary was giving me a Blow Job and I realized well I guess a Ticking Time Bomb wouldn't be too bad except for she might choke. . .
by NoBlacksWanted April 5, 2017
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