Not a word one would use ever. It is grammatically incorrect.
I am great.
I am better
I am best
I am bestest
Not a word, man.
by Legen-wait for it-dairy. June 19, 2013
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A wonderful, amazing, kind, thoughtful, hilarious, sweet, smart, and super awesome someone.
by Favs March 12, 2004
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1. Super-superlative of the word "Best"
2. One who is never wrong.
3. One who Is always right.
4. One who never loses.
5. One who always wins.
1. John is always right, and he always wins. He is the bestest!
2. Mel sometimes loses and is wrong sometimes. Therefore, she cannot be the bestest.
by TheBestest January 9, 2015
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Word made by couples to compliment each other. It’s better than “better” and “best” combined that’s why It’s bestester.
Babygirl has anyone ever told you that’s you’re the bestester
by Hayford Kesse September 18, 2020
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The type of love that tops anything in the world. Using it beats anything else in the love you more battles.
by Tpizzler August 15, 2021
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Bestest is a word related to best. It is used to portray something that is better than the best, but not as good as the greatest. This word was used by the greats to describe how their days had gone. " How was your day? My day was the bestest!"
" How was your day? My day was the bestest!"
"You are the bestest friend I have ever had!"
by Totalloveandheartisputintothis February 13, 2017
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