One standard barrel, consisting of exactly 42 US gallons. Commonly used in reference to Oil or other liquid Petroleum products.
"Dude, the cost of one bbl just went down. I'll be back later, I'm going to buy some!"
by KPWM November 3, 2006
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What is the first thing people notice about you? Response: Superficially, I would say my height, eyes, and smile followed by my bbl!
by bg27 March 24, 2011
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That's a hot BBL.

Did you just see that BBL walk by.

We better bounce our eyes, lads. Here comes a BBL
by spahn July 9, 2012
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A barrel. Bbls are the most common measurement of volume in the oil and gas industry, and a barrel is equal to 42 gallons.
The Hotchkiss well produced 200 bbls last month.
by 307oilguy August 3, 2021
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