A two bit loser who refuses to get a job and would rather live off state subsidies and other handouts.

Also, an internal refernce used by AOL employees when referring to the AOL program.
That bitch drawing off welfare is nothing but a Half Assed Monkey.

Dammit I installed the Half Assed Monkey and it fucked up my computer!
by ragedookie September 25, 2005
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see MIKElatin; cock sucker who takes credit for something not remotely capable of performing while sucking butt when tattered
I built that HiPo tiller motor all by myself,call me an ass monkey but not a chicken tattered salad tosser
by Thereel Brainthatdidit March 29, 2004
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The terrible result of an experiment involving the cross breeding of a buttmonkey and a corporate monkey. Often spreads deadly diseases in the form of corporate jargon, smoke blowing, and complex acronyms.
Take your profit growth and shove it up your ass you corporate ass monkey.
by Ragedookie September 21, 2005
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an animal of the primate variety that dwells inside the human anal region... sounds fun... See also jem dakeyne
by damonator!!!!!!! February 20, 2004
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One who is more of a physical person rather than one of any intellect.

In simple terms, a stupid yet physical worker.
Man, that guy can sure lift those boxes. Too bad he's an ass monkey when it comes to computers.
by Squints August 9, 2004
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