SEXY HOT GIRL. A girl so hot she doesn't even know so she goes for the assholes or weirdos. Nice ass and good body. Damn she's fine.
Damn, that girl is such a Bailey. Why can't she see how great she is and stop looking at losers like that??
by ellomatey123 February 17, 2009
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A girl who is just irresistible. You can't go a full day without thinking about her. She can brighten your day like a freshly lit blunt, soft and crunchy shell tacos with sour cream, orange soda, brownies, pie, and deep-fried anything. Not only do you just want to hug and hold her forever, but also give her a bunch of kisses.
-Did you see that Bailey!? She was fucking amazing.

-Thinkin' of Bailey makes mah heart beat faster.

Dude talking to other dude:

Dude 1: If Bailey ever needs somebody, she can always come to me, bro.

Dude 2: Yeah
by david oral May 17, 2010
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A close knit family of gregarious athletic girls that are just as gorgeous as they are fun. They are always down for adventure and truer friends will never be found. Always on the cutting edge of music, social media, and fashion the Baileys are spontaneous in the extreme. Being Bailey is being in the now!
You're driving across the country to see us? Dude! That is so Bailey of you!

Our party will be so Bailey! Cute girls great music and fun games!
by Tjschwan March 25, 2015
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You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?
Bailey's. Mmm... creamy.
And this one's as close as you can get to Baileys without your eyes gettin' wet.
Stef:Say, Rachel, fancy some baileys??
Rachel:yeah! why not!. But i only drink it from shoes.
Stef:oh yeah totally, no other why to drink it!
*clunk shoes together and down contents in a celebratory fashion.*
by PlanPony January 17, 2008
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A very gorgeous, kind and brave woman. Adorable and child like and yet wise beyond her years. An activist and an old soul. She is about as radically feminist and leftist as they come, and very stubborn about it. Can be overly sensitive and emotional at times but very empathetic and tries to see the good in everyone. Incredible eyes. Always beautiful, but she doesn't believe it and is very self conscious and can't take a compliment. Very smart but again, doesn't believe it and yet everyone has or has had a crush on her at some point. People fall in love instantly, but she's a victim of her own charm and beauty, a heartbreaker and a self-admitted slut so be careful.
"Look, there's Bailey at that protest!"

"Bailey is totally the full package, I heard she has several lovers."

"Bailey is lovely, too bad she doesn't believe it.
by WTME May 11, 2013
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Thicc and sexy and will make you laugh. He is funny and will make you laugh no matter what
by Kevin Jevin the Real Eleven February 22, 2018
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A beautiful girl who is very intelligent. A Bailey is a girl who you can spill out your guts to and she will understand. A Bailey does anything for a friend.
Boy: Why is she so smart.
Boy 2: Oh she is a Bailey.
by Booziegurl18 November 16, 2018
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