Listen. She has piercing blue/green eyes, natural wavy brown hair, and is average height. Pale skin that makes her look Caucasian, but is 100% Mexican. She is a bitch in a good way, awkward, funny, smart, pretty, antisocial, and does not give a fuck about what you say. She is either rude or shy at first, but then funny and relatable. She has a lot of issues and bottled up feelings, but she will still put you before herself. She is literally the most trustworthy person ever and will never judge you. She is also very stubborn, lazy, and ABSOLUTELY LOVES FOOD. She might look small, but she is really damn strong. She will fuck you up if you’re rude to her or her small circle of friends. Plenty of guys have a crush on her, and most guys regret losing her. She is competitive and plays guitar and piano. She also sings amazingly and loves dogs. She has a low self esteem. She looks good in pink but hates it. She wears a lot of black just because. So get the idea that she’s fake and ugly, because she is definitely not. She’s definitely not a basic ass white girl.
Valeria: *enters school* I’m hungry, I’m tired, and I don’t wanna be here.
by grapelotion March 27, 2019
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valeria is an amazing girl. she fucks with everyone except the hoes. Most of the time she starts drama. Sometimes its true but sometimes she makes them up just for fun. Valeria is crazy if you ever met one i wish you luck because she is really crazy but you would be very lucky to have her in your life . Her life may be complicated and she would have many secrets . But she always has a reason for that.
brianna: i am so lucky i have valeria

emily:i wish she was my friend

jessica: valeria has great taste in clothes

jordan: damn valeria is crazyy
by **ChErRy** April 17, 2018
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A person who is quite the eye-catching and unique individual. Very cool, unlike most.
Hey, mom, can I be Valeria when I'm older?
Tim, that girl's cute, but she's not a Valeria.
by servin'bacon January 28, 2011
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A Valeria is a very nice girl. She’s the most genuine person you’ll ever meet. She doesn’t associate herself with fake people. She’s a real one. Valeria will do anything to help you grow. A Valeria is also a good listener, she’ll be there when you need to vent, she gives the best advice ever and will always have time for you even when she has problems to deal with herself, she’ll make you her first priority.
Person: Hey you’re friends with Valeria right?
Me: Yes, yes i am, she’s the most genuine person ever.

Person: aww that’s so sweet.
by ilovemyfriendsverymuch June 17, 2020
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Valeria is soooooo sexy and fine. Any guy would be so happy to date her. She is really popular. Her bestfriend's name starts with a B. She is the most wonderful person you will ever meet. You are very lucky if you are her friend or boyfriend never let her go. Valeria is SEXY as FUCK so take advantage of her, if you can :D
Valeria is soooooo SEXY and FINE. :D
by Valeria's BAE :) March 28, 2019
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She is very sweet, respectful, cute but she won’t agree, and she stands up for her friends no matter what, and cares about others and she knows her ways
Valeria is a awesome person and really cute
by Sup k0Ol kiD November 7, 2019
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A sweet asa person who knows how to party!
the energizer battery, just keeps going and going ang going
by THE TRUE AND ONLY JENNA March 12, 2003
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