Slang word for someone who is younger than you.
That ute is rah booky
by Slang help August 29, 2017
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This is the only Bar in Quito - Ecuador that used to have a College in it. However, since it moved to another Av. it became a College with nice people who ALWAYS find where to Hang Out, Drink, Party....
by Poke2000 January 31, 2009
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ute (yoot or oot) 1. lame way of referring to kids or youth, usually used by kooks.

2. mating call of a pregnant yak.

3. the sound an old worn out car makes just before it dies.

Kook: "See that ute over there, skating the pool? I've known him since he was a little ute."

Other kook: "Wow. You are so impressive with your wordy sentences."
by name witheld October 29, 2005
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A college located in Austin, Texas. It offers many fine degrees and programs; these include BAs in Taking-a-Dump, Wiping-Your-Ass, Drooling, Patting-the-Back-of-Your-Hand-and-Mooing, Whittling and Masturbating-and-Eating-It. BS degrees are available in such fields as Boasting-About-UT-Business and Staying-at-College-For-10-Years-Because-You -Can't-Deal-With-Real-Life. Our music program is second-to-none and people come from all over the world to study the jug at UTTT.

UT stands out as the first colleges to accept on Special Education types with an IQ of less than sixty.

In social terms, UT is a remarkable place with many activities (such as the college's famous Synchronised Drooling Team and the national champion Hur-Hurring Squad) and opportunities for meeting and making friends, such as the famous Friday Night Cousin Fuck and our Spring Break Knock-Your-Sister-Up Party.
If you're an inbred redneck pig-fucker who can't read but wants to get you one of them there edumucations, UT is the place for you!
No-one ever passes at UT because they all take dumps everywhere like a bunch of goddamn treach-monkeys
by LonghornKiller April 15, 2005
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"The University of Texas". A really shitty school that should not be attended unless absolutely necessary. People here are freaks. They have weird fetishes, avoid eye contact, and generally avoid conversation unless with close friends. It should definitely not be as high as it is in rankings. People who leave this university usually end up with low income careers.
Oh... you went to UT? I'm sorry I hear that place is a real hell hole.
by chnymnkr February 3, 2011
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School in texas where asians are the majority. Asians love this school because it is liberal. Liberals like gay sex, therefore, asians like gay sex. UT campus smells like big foot's dick.
1 out of 3 million asians who attend UT: "Me chinese, me go to UT, me like gay sex"
by ron burgandy the 4th April 10, 2008
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describing an ugly female. usually a slut thats busted.
Anthony: Yo, did you see that ut?
Meghan: Yea, who would fuck that?
by hampton bays roxxx January 24, 2010
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