That girl that went to your school for 2 weeks then left
I can't believe Nicole left after 2 weeks
by Deadxroses March 15, 2017
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Nicole is the worlds best friend ever. She is so kind-hearted and caring. She will always put others first and she will never let you down. I love Nicole because she is the best best best friend ever. She isn’t about popularity or fame or looks, she is about making other people smile. Nicole, you are so beautiful and friendly ❤️
Nicole is a friendly person 💓
by justdance68 March 11, 2020
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Nicole is a beautiful girl . She has a big back and big front.Her smile shines bright everytime she speaks. Her long hair glistens in the sunshine. However she can be a bit rude and take wrong paths at times. Careful she will steal your boyfriend! Nicole is very revengeful she believes there is always time to revenge
Nicole is being a bitch!
It is a very Nicole thing to do!
by Martin Donavan December 30, 2019
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damn thats nicole the queen of all the hoes out there
by leancusine January 19, 2017
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NIcole is the most amazing person ever! She may seem quiet but she soo isnt! Once you take the time to get to know her she is one of the best people you will ever meet and sooo PRETTY! She is funny and nice and a party er all at the same time! She is always there for you and makes you laugh. She is the best person you will ever meet, if your lucky enough to
Nicole is amazing!
by friend12034 October 15, 2009
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A girl who is on her period and has hysterical mood-swings.
by Trainedporle April 28, 2017
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A great pair of gams...what a dame!

a.k.a a melon baller
by melon baller July 5, 2011
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