Used in code to refer to girls, generally of a smokin' (hot) nature
Hey Peanut, you reckon Jill can buy us some T-dog for tonight cause I'm keen to go find some squip's
by dd slasher January 17, 2008
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When somebody farts and runny poo comes out of their bum
by January 29, 2021
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Look, I'm not going to lie. My friend took it and wrote a book about it, he went nuts basically, but Be More Chill tells the truth.
Dude, squip is a bad mistake.
by Harrison D. May 30, 2004
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Means to whip or murk.

Look up squipper
by Squipper March 20, 2004
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The sound of wet flip flops coming down a hallway, especially when walking back to one’s dorm.
Roommate 1: Man I hate that sound!

Roommate 2: I feel bad for that squipping sound!
Roommate 1: Me too man.
by WordDiscoverer September 1, 2020
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/s'kwip/ adjective. A portmanteau of sick and equipped meaning great or exceptional. The word originated from Canada's popular show Everyone Has A Podcast.
Person 1: "I am going down town to buy shoes made of Alligator skin"

Person 2: "That sounds grand! Alligator skin is so squip"
by EHAPpodcast July 28, 2016
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nonsensical word that can be used as an expletive, placeholder, or verb
I SQUIP!ped your mom.


Uhhhh, SQUIP!
by Samuel Henry March 8, 2004
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