When somebody farts drugs into another person's face.
I was with this hot chick last night and she totally Shia Laboof'd me, It was crazy!
by Volksgeist July 20, 2019
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Wait, he isn't dead!!
Shia Surprise! There's a gun to your head, and death in his eyes
by BigBoiE21 May 21, 2021
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The ONLY person that has managed to escape Disney's evil grasp and has actually become a respectable actor.
Shia LaBeouf was the main character in the Transformers move so he can't be all that bad.
by Cane Fox August 15, 2008
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Shia, Shia, Shia. Only one of the hottest actors ever!

*His name means "Thank God for beef"
Favorite Quote: What's living if you never pull down your shorts and slide down the ice?
by Andie Featable December 26, 2003
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The hottest guy ever... a rockin surfer...and oh yah did i mention the HOTTEST GUY ever?
Hes no shia!:(
by Nikki T. January 9, 2004
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