Ron-AKA lil steroid ocky sexy ass nigga with and enlarged oversized cock.(RON)
Fuck you I shouldve fucked Ron
by Hayadoin December 25, 2017
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Is a person that is all knowing. He will usually have an answer for everything. If he is wrong he won't admit it. He usually works 20 hrs each day and will tell you every time. He will also tell you a lot of background information on everything that he is going to do.
Fuck the new guy is such a "Ron" he thinks he knows everything
by Bossman310 March 10, 2010
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That one nigga you know who has no fucking idea how annoying he is.
He may be funny and all, but he gets mad tempered when a dude approach him. He usually has some money on him. He admires girls and is still tryna fuck any of them. He is crazy and sometimes does shit that makes people laugh. Although acquiring these personality traits, he has friends that acquire them and some friends that don't. He is christian and admires girls younger than him. He in it for that booty. He has a shrimp dick, and sometimes likes to beat his meat. If anyone knows Ron the best, it's probably his mother or his close friends. His friends admire him, his pro's and con's, but still accept him and a dope ass person.
Ayo Ron get yo dumbass over here
by yuungoness December 12, 2019
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She hadn't seen this dude for 15 years, but suddenly he popped up. What a Ron
by neither here August 23, 2008
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'It's what those of us from "The Ron" call Toronto.' -- wise dude who once had fantastic hair and also coined the term "The Couv"
The Ron - Haven't been there in years.
by samvancity April 26, 2018
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Ron is weird and really annoying. Ron is good at everything, he’s really smart and athletic. He always offers to help with homework, even if people don’t need it.
Her least favorite person is a Ron
by I hate ron November 6, 2018
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