While having sex in the doggy style position, you grab a can of shaving cream (or whipped cream) and when you are about to cum you spray the shaving cream (or whipped cream) on your dick. While you girlfriend turns around to see what you are doing you bark and chase her around the room until you eventually cum all over her.
Roger is expanding his horizons. Last night Jenny said he used the Rabid Dingo on her.
by MJM77 August 24, 2007
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To ejaculate into someone's anal cavity. The subject then defacates the semen into your mouth.
She gave me the rabid squirrel last night in exchange for the rusty trombone.
by shaggy October 27, 2003
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When getting head, cum all over the girl's mouth to give the appearance of foaming at the mouth or rabies. Then proceed to cock slap her until she has two black eyes and looks like a racoon.
Melissa always had buckteeth, but after I gave her a rabid coon everyone thought she was a racoon.
by drummer56 July 11, 2006
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when doing a girl from behind you finger bang her butt. when she turns around rub your poop covered finger in her eyes and as you run out of her place, knock over the garbage cans and scurry away into the night.
my girl was getting lippy about making me a samich, so I decided to end it by giving her a rabid raccoon.
by slepron March 30, 2019
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A drunk guy standing behind you like a gormless fuck, dribbling on your shoulder or following you around all night in the vain hope that he might get a dance
Girl 1: "Whats up with that dude"

Girl 2: "He's saliviating all over me like a rabid dog"
by rahk1234 October 1, 2005
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An angry Cock that is over-dosed on viagra and will not settle down. It is also a very contagious std that will burn holes in a female's vagina. THERE IS NO CURE.
Pride: Brian had such a rabid rooster.

Monkee: oh I know, it was amazing.
by blackwidow July 29, 2012
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The polar opposite of a rabid fan.

Unlike rabid fans though, rabid haters spend most of their time harassing (people) rather than praising (them) by creating anti-stamps, groups and forums dedicated to hating on the person, book, TV show, etc. they’re targeting. It’s mostly done to make them feel better about themselves or (rarely) attract people with similar opinions they can rant with or to.

Rabid haters are obsessive and often violent, which is another trait they share with rabid fans. Rabid haters will refuse to accept an opinion different than theirs, as they often start online flame wars by raiding fan-clubs of someone (or something) they’re after.
Person 1: I’m not a big fan of Paul’s videos, I prefer Tom’s over his.

Rabid hater: SHUT UP! I HATE TOM AND SO SHOULD YOU! His videos are obnoxious and boring, he’s a waste of oxygen. I hope he dies, he should stop inhaling the same air as me.
by Anthony Clover October 5, 2020
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