A meef is a compound word combining male and queef. It is not necessarily a fart but a release of air that has been pushed into the rectal cavity during anal sex. It has a smooth sound and no stench; a very passive and natural after effect of anal sex.
After my boyfriend and I had sex he pulled out and I meefed, I was so embarrassed.
by K. Tobar/ J.J. O"Brien March 22, 2007
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" A man who meefs is like a woman who queefs",....

A Queef is a term used to describe a vaginal fart, or "vart" as some like to say. Usually a queef happens during sex when a man is penetrating a woman who has too much air that comes rushing out with each thrust.

Similarly, a meef is a gay man's fart during anal sex where too much air comes out because they are either loose or too gassy as the anal sex happens. Man + Queef = "Meef" It usually smells worse than a queef but the action is very similar.
Troy and Dan were having sex last night and Troy kept meefing the whole time Dan was fucking him!
by Funner Bunny December 9, 2008
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A collaborative term for Manufactured Beef. Meef is commonly served in school cafeterias and fast food restaurants. You are lucky if there is actually any real beef in your meef. The additives which make up the main bulk of ones meef are usually animal parts such as ears, tongues, feet etc. It is advisable to not think of the possible contents of your meef whilst consuming.
Kev(pickin wee white bits out of his burger): This fuckin burger stinks. Swear to God hi, there's wee fuckin hard bits and all in it. Fuckin stinkin..

Sherm: Aaaaaahhh! You got a meefburger. Manufactured beef hi. See all them wee bits you're pickin at, thats the eyes and probably a bit a hoof. Take your oil kev.
by IONEGIAFUCK! September 24, 2005
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Meef is my nickname AND my Xbox Live Gamertag.

everybody calls me Meef, don't ask why cos it takes too long to explain!
Noob: holy crap Meef just kicked my ass on halo 2
Noob2: I know, well Meef is a much higher rank than us Noobs at rank 3!!!!
by meef April 15, 2005
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"Oh my god, I think I just meefed myself!" / "Babe can you take the laundry out of the drier. I'm bleeding like I'm dying and I'm worried I might meef all over the floor"
by JSsqueezy September 29, 2020
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A meat resembling beef, however origins are still unknown.
"Whopper made with 100% meef"
by Nick June 14, 2006
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When someone involuntarily, makes a spastic noise out of their mouth that resembles the sound of a queef
What the fuck, Glenda? Did you just meef?!?
by Michael Hair April 10, 2008
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