Joelle is a very overly sensitive person. She cries over small things. She loves to yell at people and annoy people. She loves to eat and pretend that she is a old lady.
Joelle is old
"Ugh Joelle"
by New lover January 19, 2019
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a boy who is a nice, charming, caring, lovable, and funny. He is dark chocolate, masculine and has a toned body, and small ears. He shows a lot of emotion through his actions but not text. But... watch he’ll make you fall in love with you and then go behind your back and cheat on you. But if you’re smart you catch it because we all know those niggas be playing the victim when they the real fuck boy. < That is what he does. He gets you real interested in the relationship and keeps it cool and then he starts to push you away. Be careful! He will break your heart! Don’t fall for that fuck boy he will mess with your emotions and you heart!
1. Mmm, look it’s Joell.
2. Ugh, he looks like Joell.
by k.santa September 22, 2018
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Someone who is very desperate to fit in with other people. Even when she knows that they don’t like her. She gets mad ove small things and cries over everything. She acts tough but isn’t at all. You wish you will never have to put up with a Joelle.
Person 1- ugh I hate her she’s so annoying

Person 2- yeah same, she’s such a Joelle
by Alicia689 February 22, 2019
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Joelle is super annoying. She can either be super sweet or a total bitch. Somehow she gets on every nerve you can think of and then turns stuff on you. She fakes a lot of injuries and strives for every person’s attention.
Omg, is that Joelle?? God shes such a BITCH!
by HoesMad1999 March 10, 2020
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A Kind friendly person who can be a best friend and is by your side through out life and sometimes can be a badass to have your back
boy joelle A badass friend that is kind and will have Your back
by Latin_SaVage January 17, 2018
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