When one takes something that legally belongs to another, then the one that takes acts like it was theirs in the first place and plays the victim so you get punished.
Person 1: Yo man, I'm hungry.
Person 2: Have some tangerines!
Person 1: Thank you!
Person 1: *eats every single tangerine*
Person 2: Wait! Leave some for me!
Person 1: Person 2 is trying to take my tangerines!
Person 3: Person 2, do not steal his tangerines.
Person 2: No! I've been Israeled!
by HYPR0ver November 8, 2023
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A type of monk or ordaned sprit.
Wow that bishop is such an Israel.
by Criff May 5, 2009
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A game tight honey hittin, wig splittin,

neva quittin gangsta
Damn, israel really is gangsta!
by qwertynigga27 December 1, 2021
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To steal one's land, property, or belongings and claim it as one's own, then seek the aid of others to further cement the idea of the steal.
I've been israeled like never before. They stole my home and claimed it as theirs and the authority helped them legalize the steal.
by l44b1l November 3, 2023
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To occupy a space and forcefully evict anyone who are currently occupying the space.
I got Israeled when I was peacefully sitting in a table while sipping my coffee.
by Mystery-o November 4, 2023
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Someone who makes your life worth living. A beacon of light. A god amongst men.
Man, that guy is so Israel its not even funny.
by nilurt October 17, 2008
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a fun person with a perveted mind. not shy at all very outgoing and kind wil be there when u need him
man david is such an israel he always looks at my azz
by lafresa01 March 6, 2009
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