Noun: A collector of spent Nerf Gun ammunition.

The identity of a foam dart collector is revealed as soon as a few shots have been fired, they scrabble around on the floor and grab them like addicts. Refilling clips and chambers bring them a great deal of comfort.
My cat is a nerf herder. Like Hannibal Lecter, he doesn't keep trophies. He eats them.
by Effsix April 23, 2011
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A straight male who perfers the company of or pursues lesbians as romantic interests.

Sometimes a male who thinks he is a lesbian in a man's body.

Has a negative connotation.
A fish herder never understands that lesbians aren't available to him.

Fish herders frequently ignore or trivialize the sexual orientation of the object of their affection and do not see orientation as an obstacle.
by Sarah & Kristina December 29, 2005
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Someone who drives a septic cleaning truck or who cleans porta-johns
The turd herder is coming to clean my septic tank
by awafcaw November 19, 2006
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A girl who is on the verge of being attractive were it not for a few unfortunate features and would not look out of place leading a herd of goats down the side of a hill. Typically a thin to average built caucasian girl who looks trashy/inbred and has unfortunate dentitian.
Did you see that goat herder at the bar? Three more drinks and ill go talk to her...
by CelebrationStone October 21, 2010
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Someone who collects fecal matter.
My sister is such a turtle herder, she's always digging around in that cat box.
by Spinderella cut it up one time October 11, 2007
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1. An individual who tends to sheep.

2. A Homosexual, usually used as an insult. Derived it's origins from the 2005 film, Brokeback Mountain in which to the two main characters who are Homosexual are also Sheep Herders.
1. "The Sheep Herder walked with his flock, tending to them."

2. "That guy tried to grab my jock, what a Sheep Herder."
by Throbbin P. Ness June 18, 2006
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