When a turkey gobbles (eats) another turkey whilst making the turkey noise “gobble
Turkey 1: gobble
Turkey 2: gobble

Human: that is not natural
by FreshestAvocado December 10, 2018
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A gobble is a group of people that you do not like so you want to call each person a chode or chodette but, it's to hard to call all of them that so you j call the group a gobble.
Kim lee: that group of people of there are so annoying.

Dominic: I know I hate them
Kim lee: they're all chodes
Dominic: it's a gobble
by Master of the chodes August 27, 2017
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Jerk walks around with his old ass gobble gobble neck thinking he's God's gift to woman.
by imjustsayin33 June 30, 2021
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Also known as meat curtain; a reference to the infamous enlargement of the inner labia, or labia minora, of a woman's vagina.
Duderino 1: Did you see that movie last night?
Duderino 2: Yeah, but I thought it was kinda gay because it had 2 chicks in it.
Duderino 1: I thought it was awesome when the one chick went down on the other, pulled down her panties and unveiled her luscious gobble gobble. Hmmmm delicious!
by duderino030 July 7, 2011
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To Give a really fast and intense head to a male.
"Yooo Jessica gave me real quick gobble gobble 3000 last night"

"It went like shhsvwvshwhwheusheh"
by A person who hates ppl :) August 20, 2019
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