A friend ho. if someone is paid to be your friend, your a Fro
by IHATEPOOPJOKES February 17, 2018
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1. Abbreveation of from

2. Abbrevation of afro
1. ''Yo where you fro?

2. ''Yo nice fro man''
by DizzyLizzy February 8, 2007
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Joe: Ay you wanna fro?

Tim: I haven't fro-ed in a while.

Joe: Dude just fro.
by Datraphouse March 28, 2011
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1.)cool or having coolness.
2.)taking place of the word fuck.
1.) yo man, that shirts fro!
2.)what the fro!
FRO that hurt!
by LaurLaur November 6, 2004
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Big pubic hair, i.e. unshaven - big bush
Jesus, James has a big fro, I couldn't see the wood for the trees
by Elle July 17, 2003
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i really awesome girl with a blond curly fro! and she has a twinny who's a spaz!
Fro always says: "vamenos kings!"
by who else? FRO!!!! March 30, 2004
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