When two dudes ride the same longboard and have sex at the same time. The humping motion keeps the board in motion.
I saw two hippies riding one longboard today! It was a total San Fransisco half-pipe.
by tigertim. June 30, 2009
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when a man cuts his perineum longways to resemble a vagina for the purpose of sexual intercourse, mainly with a MAN!
"then he punched me to the floor, took my trousers off, splayed my legs forcefully and took out a knife and gave me a san fransisco slot machine ill never forget"
by Tim2345 October 3, 2006
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A code phrase referencing someone who, to put it ever so bluntly, is a royal flaming homosexual.
This gathering of multifarious verbiage comes from two sources.
San Fransisco aka Gay Mecca
Lumber Jack or one who chops down wood.
If your still confused about the definition read it again.
Hank: Dude, Stacey's boyfriend is pretty much a San Fransisco Lumber Jack.
by craigward November 17, 2007
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When two uncircumcised men put their finger inside the others' foreskin and then smell them upon withdrawal.
When I walked in the room and smelled aged Gouda I knew Bryan and his buddy had been doing the San Fransisco point and sniff.
by inaudibleaudible August 24, 2010
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uwu, DECEMBER 1, The day you ship those three smartass boys! And the day that meme comes ALIVE!!! hahaha I am very cOoL gUy B- >
A Ruth: " Hey GAYbriel "
A Gaybriel: " What? "
A Ruth: " TODAY IS " Make a GaYbriel say the " MOTO MOTO" meme to a Fransisco and a Kevin O. DaY " "
A Gaybriel: " Alrighty ChAeEeE "
* He goes *
* A Melissa throws water on him *
Gaybriel: I LikE thEm BiG I LiKE cHuNkY "
by kAiLa ThE UWU cOoL GuY cHaEeE November 15, 2019
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Connor and Fransisco are two dwarfs with little 2inch pickles, when they have alone time together they pull out there little rubber toys and run them against each other until they ejaculate
by Dwarf_CumDaddy July 7, 2023
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