1. Person who believes that force, threats and guilt are adequate forms coercion that should be used to keep an employee from leaving your organization.

2. Person who believes that if you are from the same city as them, they own you and know what's best for you and your family, even if they've never met you and have no idea what you want in life.

3. Person who believes that if the terms of a contract have been fulfilled, the contract somehow still exists and you are still required to follow the terms of the contract.

4. Person who cannot get over the fact that someone who has absolutely nothing to do with their life wants to make decisions about his own life without consulting them first.

Overall, the Cleveland crybaby is a self-absorbed, pretentious, sanctimonious fool who focuses on the actions of media celebrities, expecting them to bring joy into their boring, pointless existence. This type of person has no life, watches too much TV and has little interest in living their own life. Since they hate their own life so much, they project this anger and frustration onto others, who can never live up to their expectations.
Cavs fan: "Wah wah wah, Lebron James owes Cleveland his life!!"

Mature adult: "Why?? Didn't he finish his contract? Wasn't he an unrestricted free agent? Didn't he take the Cavs to the Final and make them the #1 team two years in a row? What more do you want from him? Isn't he free to do what he wants now? Why do you think you own him and can dictate his actions? Don't you have anything else to do with your time? You're a Cleveland crybaby!"
by Grackle October 22, 2010
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an anime that is extremely well written and 10/10 but it will make your happiness 1/10 and it will completely break you.
friend 1: why are you so sad?
friend 2: i watched devilman crybaby
by mr worldwides side hoe July 17, 2021
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a drama account on twitter for melanie martinez fans. kinda problematic but it’s not their fault cause they just post what people tell them to. lowkey love them but they should reveal themselves 🥴👉👈
“did you see what happened today?”
“no what was it”
check Crybaby Crave
by melsblink May 28, 2020
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A person who frequently bitches and moans on Facebook statuses about life events with little or no cause.
Status:I don't understand why people can't take a hint... if I deleted ur phone number it means I don't wanna talk to you, not lets continue the conversation or go run your mouth to our mutual friends about it. It means drop the fucking topic. Blah I need a shot.

Comment: Shut the fuck up! Nobody cares about your petty life events! Your a Facebook Crybaby!
by cease_uno January 14, 2013
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A term often used to describe the core narrative of the Trumpster’s candidacy for the 2024 Presidency which heavily focuses on how he has been relentlessly and unfairly victimized and witch-hunted.
It’s ironic how the Orange One’s crybaby crusade is actually an artifact of his own creation since he has been actually repeatedly victimizing himself due to his penchant for lies and self-destruction.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 14, 2023
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A sexual act containing of either two males or females in which the women/male get down on there knees and arc there back toward the heavens and wait for the male to ejaculate on their back, when this is done successfully the male semen should trickle down their back, gently into crack, then drip to the floor

CAUTION DANGER!!: could end up in pregnancy with blown out vagina
dude did you know that Pedro gave a Florida Crybaby to that one blown out lunch lady?...well shes pregnant
by HombreDeSexo August 31, 2009
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