Variant of Commie.

1.) A slang/derogatory name for a member or advocate of the Communist party or movement.

2.) A name, used by some incorrectly but purposely, to label and attack any person who is supporting politically leftist or liberal causes. Often creating a strawman situation.
Joseph McCarthy wanted to confront and eliminate the perceived 'Commi' threat of the 1950's with radical action.

An aggressive conservative might label liberal candidates favoring some socialist causes, such as universal health care, as 'commis' with the intention to paint them negatively.
by Fruf April 24, 2008
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A shorter version of the word 'communist'. It is typically used to deride a Democrat or liberal.
John Kerry is nothing short of a commie! He wants to raise taxes and form a large government!
by tk99 May 26, 2006
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A god-loathing, degenerate, abominable, scum, low-life, lying, reality-twisting, tyrannical, hypocritical, censoring, unsaveable, contradictory, truth-suppressing, genocidal, libeling, anti-good, cancer-like, scoundrel, bolshevistic, demonic, heinous, closed-minded, selective-hearing, unethical, satanic, cheating, scum-adoring, evil-worshipping, sin-loving, witchlike, good-hating, vicious, evil, truth-fearing, hedonistic, loathsome, living-disgrace, living-abomination, motormouthed, psycho-minded, retched, thief, scam-artist, horrified-of-good, pathological-lying, toxic, sinful, child-corrupting, self-righteous, child-abusing, holier-than-thou-status-claimer, ironic, slogan-barking, over-educated-moron, anti-white-bigot, anti-male-sexist, bitchy, cis-genderphobic, anti-masculine, double-standardised, body-mutilating, gender-destroying, nature-hating, moral-loathing, limitless-sinning, blame-shifting, no-good, regressive-claiming-status-of-“progressive”, ugly-minded, multi-factorially-regressive, drug-infected, sickness-in-human-form, aids-diseased, class-envying, class-dividing, class-hate-mongering, political-correctness-enforcing, class-warfare-promoting, decedent, sin-promoting, beyond-worthless, unjust, poisonous-lie-repeating, justice-inverting, whore-encouraging, no-good-outcome, devil’s associate, decency-destroying, unfixable, complete-and-pure-enemy-of-god-and-any-and-all-good, mouth-breathing, primitive, violence-using-when-unable-to-lie,
humanity-enslaving, psychopathic, humanity-brainwashing, humanity-degenerating, humanity-scumming, humanity-evilizing, humanity-dumbing, criminal, back-stabbing, deceiving, remorseless-evil-doing, dull, demon-as-saint, thieving, lowest-of-the-low, pure-evil, dishonorable, disgraceful, honor-less, treacherous, rat-like, perverse, snake-like, living-lie, satan-representing, willfully-ignorant, con-man/woman, degeneracy-promoting, trigger-happy, power-only-for-me-and-never-for-thee, living-and-complete-list-of-all-sins-recorded, value-seer-in-evil-but-valueless-seer-in-good, profane, power-dependant-scoundrel, disgusting, poisonous-toxic-waste, seemingly-unlimited-list-of-words/terms-needed-and-most-words-missing-in-the-English dictionary-required-in-order-to-be-defined, piece of rotten pure-evil sub-human garbage who deserves absolutely everything and anything including the worst death, and must for plain justice, remain and rot in hell forever, for their defiant embodiment and life-long-whorship/following of pure-evil which they dishonesty and abominably call their “moral-duty-of-an-ideology”. If you buy one or more of their pure-evil lies for a colossal unpayable price, you will later be left sorry on a level you will never be able to comprehend, or die sooner than the moment you understand that-commie
by Hydraklin November 17, 2022
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Anybody a conservative disagrees with.
by hellworld666 October 19, 2020
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-Short for Communist

-Also an offensive term used by Americans to call Russians during the Cold War
"He's straight out of Moscow, that damn Commi.
by Justin Lewis21 December 4, 2017
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