when you are communicating with your friends on fortnite and you want to say you are coming but don’t want to sound homo.
Amir: HE’S ON ME, ON ME!
by HoodieMaz July 16, 2018
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A close friend who occasionally makes you cum.
Q - What's going on with you and your bestie ?

A - We'll always be chums
by Long&Hard October 30, 2016
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An awesome friend. Someone you can make fun of without them pulling out your hair. Preferably someone who goes out of their way to fix your life. If you don't have a chum, your life friggin sucks.

P.S. chum is also dog food :P
"Make me an offer I can't refuse, chum."
"Lit, chum. Real lit."

You: "Ellie will never like me!"
Chum: "HEY ELLIE!"
You: "Wtf are you doing?!"
Chum: "Ellie, look into my eyes and tell me you don't like my friend."
Ellie: "Why would I do that?"
Chum: "'Cuz you can go out with him."
Ellie: "I'll think about it"
by Cade the Food King January 11, 2017
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Friends that you've known over 5 years and can talk about literally anything even when you guys live far away.
Yeah, that's my chum, they've been there since day one.
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(v) the act of sending out a mass text message to members of the opposite sex in the interest of determining your options. Text must be vague enough to apply to large groups but specific enough to elicit a response.
"Are you going out tonight?", Simon feverishly typed into his mobile chumming every woman he knew.
by TGDC November 25, 2007
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