4 definitions by like.hot.asf.swagolicious

The all-time most superior athletic, smart, good-looking family's you will ever meet. The line of decent from these angelic creatures are the best thing that will ever happen to your life if you ever are lucky enough to meet one.
Ayo the lintners just pulled up, roll out that red carpet.
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Describes something or someone who is attractive, smart, fun to be around, and has the drippiest style.
Ayo they caught my eye and are just too swagolicious, I don't even deserve their swag.
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The best, most exciting, and under-valued genre of TV ever.
You gotta watch those new British shows innit just great mate
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Friends that you've known over 5 years and can talk about literally anything even when you guys live far away.
Yeah, that's my chum, they've been there since day one.
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