(n): a gesture used to indicate that one dgaf about any situation no matter the time or place of its occurrence.
(v): to motion your hand as if you dgaf while jacking off your invisible pila.
Girl 1: Woah, did you see what that bitch did?
Girl 2: Girl, *carpal tunnel gesture*. I ain't even mad.
by heyyobrotha March 10, 2011
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Dull pain in wrist and thumb from swiping left so much.
I got the Carpal Tinder Syndrome from all the hags in my area.
by JS4NE1 December 30, 2015
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Name given by physicians to describe the new set of symptoms they are seeing from excessive texting on cell phones. These symptoms range from mild achiness of the fingers, to a more serious cramping, blistering, and severe contracting. Abstinence is the sole treatment.
I can't believe Kaleb's doctor actually wrote a medical excuse for him to miss his exams listing carpal finger syndrome as the medical condition!
by studentwhofailed July 4, 2009
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Carpal thumbal syndrom is a repetitive motion injury to the thumbs caused by over texting.
The kid next to me on the cross country bus trip was texting non stop for 7 hour; surely he has carpal thumbal syndrome by now.
by Steve Sherwood in Macon November 27, 2010
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When a new song is released/leaked from a band, causing the band’s fan base to react strongly. Symptoms include:

-Posting a flurry of topics on the band’s message board
-Posting bulletins on Myspace
-Ripping the song and spreading downloads across the fanbase
-Make a Myspace for the song so the fanbase can add it to their private Myspaces
-Puzzling over the lyrics with constant debate over hard-to-decipher lines
-Putting lyrics from the song in their Myspace names/Myspace bylines/AIM profiles/away messages
-Saying their faith in the band has been restored
-Putting the song on repeat for many days
-Smiling non-stop for the next week or so

Named after the notable reaction Fall Out Boy fans experienced when the song “Carpal Tunnel Of Love” was released from AbsolutePunk.net on November 10th.
Wow, those Fall Out Boy boardies really had a case of Carpal Tunnel Of Love Syndrome when "Carpal Tunnel Of Love" was released!
by caelae November 17, 2006
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The feeling of intense pain in your left (or right, depending on which way you play) hand after playing the song "Free Bird" on Expert on Guitar Hero 2
Jim got the Post-Free Bird Carpal Tunnel Syndrome bad after he beasted the hell out of Free Bird today.
by Sky September 4, 2007
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Just like Tourette's Syndrome can cause some people to blurt out offensive curse words, Carpal Tourette's is Tourette's of the hand, as in flipping someone off. Randomly. And because stupid people exist everywhere, you're CONSTANTLY flipping them the bird.
That dumbass driver almost hit me, sorry -- I have carpal Tourette's!
by BadAnnie March 2, 2021
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