A girl, usually white.

Could be described as a: thot, “freshman”.

Probably does competition and school cheer
Looks 12 no matter how old they are
“Yo did you hear about Calista and John?”
“You mean Calista and every guy ever? she talks like thirty dudes at once. What a thot.”
by Manningw August 5, 2018
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Person 1:"Wow see that couple over there?"

Person 2:"Yeah they are happy. Names must be a Calista and Marc!!"
by Billay john bakers bill October 25, 2011
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(sexually) When someone takes their middle finger in your pussy and then licks it only after nutting into your ear. Followed by having shit smeared into every crevasse the male has. Then continue to agresively pound the partner until they can no longer walk
Me and Maranda had a dirty calista for the first time in forever last night and it felt grate
by Life_hurts from time2time April 16, 2020
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when you find another girl attractive so you get a vagina boner
omgggg i had a gay calista last night!!!!!!!
by thefull8inches April 7, 2022
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A beautiful girl who loves sports! Someone everyone likes! Sweet, but not too sweet. If people say something to her she will retaliate!
by Aria PLL March 11, 2015
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