1. Boris Johnson means have a party but call it a business meeting/ work event. (Verb)
3. Boris John means liar (Adjective) but can be used as lie (Verb)
Let’s have a boris johnson.
Andrew is a boris johnson.
I’ll boris johnson to the police officer.
by NicknameisBelly June 25, 2022
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He is uk priminester
Wierd some times Boris Johnson
by I perSoN October 19, 2020
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Verb: To be Boris Johnsoned a.k.a A Mayor Bojo, oral sex
That girl over there just gave me a Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson gave me a Boris Johnson whilst I was giving your maw a Bob Ockenden...
by TrumpetShark August 24, 2009
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The aldi version of donald trump
and a national faliure

AKA: an incompetent idiot that ran the uk and failed us during 2 national crises broke his own restrictions and did a speech on peppa pig world
Person 1: I voted for Boris Johnson
Person 2: Go get a therapist
by someone_british April 5, 2023
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Current PM of Great Britain and N.I, party animal and peppa pig’s No1 supporter.
A less mental version of the orange cheeto man who became president.
The kids at school really Boris Johnson’d!
(The kids at school really broke COVID restrictions to have a “work event”!)
by wee_eejit May 30, 2022
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is a word that can be used to describe somebody hanging on to something with dear life, especially when everybody concerned wants you to stop, even to go as far as quitting their cushy jobs. furthermore, it is appropriate to use this when the act of hanging on is actively damaging what you are hanging on to, causing festering distrust in that thing and causing shaking laughter from the rest of the entire fucking world.
Steve, she's had 8 kids with barry now, get over it and stop trying to pull them apart by insinuating an affair.
No, cus im Boris johnson
by PiGeOn the BrIt July 10, 2022
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