A red haired person of slight build.
The ginger couple had a skinny son with bright orange hair, he looked like a baked bean on a stick.
by invaderofthemoot December 6, 2018
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When a guy deficates into a girl's pussy and then procedes to eat her out
Chris loves Boston Baked Beans
by Crown Princess Bitch April 26, 2015
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ha ha ha look at that baked bean head!

she has head like an actual baked bean!
by slagabag August 15, 2011
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This occurs when you are at a movie theater and are peacfully watching cars two eating baked beans you smuggled in to the theater. Then you are clumsy as fuck and spill the beans all over your fucking lap giving you third degree burns. Then, to add salt to the wound, a black teenager yells, "This nigga eating beans."
"Hey why did you take so much time off work?"
"Oh, I was eating baked beans while watching cars two and spilled them on my lap and got third degree burns, i knew i shouldn't have put them in the oven."
by sydthescyncekyd August 22, 2019
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When you spread someone’s ass cheeks (preferably after it’s preheated if yk what i mean) while they’re face down booty up then you open a can of Bushes baked beans and pour them into their anal cavity. You then shut their cheeks together and let it simmer for a minute. When you open up them cheeks you have a nice warm baked bean asserole ready for your enjoyment. Don’t forget your spoon!
Bobby…I’’m really cravin a baked bean asserole
by Oddie Fisher January 8, 2023
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