Noun. A story of such epic proportions that it rivals the Illiad itself. The complexity and intracacies of these "Avani Stories" are often compared to the great Hindu texts, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita. Usually the storyteller sets up the story by explaining the setting, then follows it up with a plot reminiscent of Christopher Nolan films. This type of story telling originated from a woman named Avani, who lived long ago, before the age of television and internet. She was known throughout the land as reciting these great tales. Many have said that these stories and myths were used to pass down wisdom and knowledge from the gods. Listeners of these words of wisdom are often observed to be so astounded, the only words they are able to speak are, "Cool Story, Bro."
Person 1: We went to the Zoo to see the Polar Bears...
Person 2: TELL ME MORE!
Person 1: but they were all asleep.
Person 2: Great "Avani Story."
by daprodigy23 September 5, 2011
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When something is Avani approved it means you're set for life. The highest level of approval you could ever get.
If Avani really likes your top it will be Avani approved
by approved! May 23, 2021
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Avany is a bitch who will go nowhere in life for real if you know a Avany just dropp her fast do it behind her back before she does it to you.
Avany is a fucking bitch.
by Ralph Is Awesome February 2, 2018
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Avani greggs fandom is not toxic she is famous for her clown check makeup videos her fans are 9-14
1: hey did you see Avani greggs fandom.
2:YES!! I love them
by Kaiden cochran April 8, 2021
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the coolest person in the world, shes so awesome, she has the best music taste and is literally goated.

Avani kalra is who everyone should be like. her personality is so cool and she can merge with everyone.
damn avani kalra is so cool

wow shes so cool! shes totally an avani kalra.
by englishexpert;) November 6, 2023
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Avani can also be a male, meaning Earth. He is a very down to earth kind of guy. Very chill and carefree. He is very handsome but doesn’t know it. He is smart, sweet, and shy. Once he gets comfortable with you, he will loosen up and be pretty funny. The kind of guy you would bring home to meet your parents. He is a very practical kind of guy! He cares a lot about people’s feelings so he will go out of his way to please you. He is a one woman man and will always take care of his girl like a queen. He is very Loyal. He will tend to get hurt easily and hide his feelings but he is very forgiving. He doesn’t like drama or confrontation. He is also strong enough to get over things and move on. He loves all animals especially canines. He expresses his happiness through music and singing. He is also a foodie so they tend to be a real good cook. If you ever come across an Avani, he is a definitely a keeper and a great friend!
by Eb.y November 24, 2021
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