An Emma’s best friend! Aubrie is a very sweet, kind, helpful young lady! She doesn’t judge anyone and loves everyone! She doesn’t usually like blonde guys. She is known but not to popular! Every teacher loves her and she is very smart!
Student 1: Wow look at Aubrie!
Student 2: Yeah I know! Did you know she is friends with Emma?!
Student 1: NO WAY!

Student 2: Yup!
by emmauritto2075 May 26, 2021
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aubri is either a close friend, a crush, or maybe you are missing her. i mean maybe its all three? but no matter why you searched her up, you can say she has an amazing personality. maybe you can look back at memories you have with her playing "just dance" as children, or maybe you met her recently. she can turn any frown into a smile in no time and can be so persuasive, she could somehow get your mom to let you go to a party and stay up until dawn. this poor soul has been hurt many times in her life, but has used that pain as motivation to be a light to others. sure, she may have trust issues, but oftentimes she wears her heart on her sleeve. aubri can often be described as "reckless" or "over the top" by adults, and those jealous of her may say she is "manipulative" and "crazy"
dude 1: have you seen aubri lately?
dude 2: yeah she be looking fineeee
dude 3: her? dont let the looks fool you. shes the devil in disguise
dude 1&2: noooo youre just jealous
dude 3 thinking: maybe i am

aubri smiling: hey dude!
by seasonedwithdepression December 10, 2021
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When liking so many guys at once and only have to pick one
" they're all so hot ! Which one should I go out with ? "

" omg ! This Aubry is hard ! "
by hpets-bomb February 16, 2017
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Sweet girl that’s kind of a pothead and is into weird kinky shit, probably a furry and is definitely bi
Woah Aubrie, we get it you listen to edgy rock music please leave us alone
by Makayla Reyn Smith December 8, 2019
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referring to a slutty, ugly, firecrotch whore. See std's.
1)Aubry gives away STD's like birthday presents.
by halla amigos March 28, 2005
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a short white girl that dosent give a shit about life. shes obsessed with k pop, specifically bts. cant spell to sayve hur life and makes fun of short brown friend when putting on vaseline. kinda dumb but thats ok
aubrie stop dying its just a k pop band

* aubrie is having a seizure on the ground*
*friend* galls monsta x monster x
*aubrie* literally dies
by kppop November 7, 2019
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Aubry is a hoe, Thot, whore and a slut
Aubry is a hoe
by Hshahajah November 26, 2018
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