Alaina is a sweet girl, but very easily agitated. She loves to read is very widely know for doing so. People will come up to her saying she's smart, but really she just pays attention. She could definitely be one of the popular kids if she wasn't so anti social, but she would rather hang out with other book nerds. She loves to cheer, but isn't that good at it. She has brown hair and hazel eyes and could literally rule the world if she wanted to. Alaina is a very quiet girl, and is shy about making friends. This is why her best friend is usually her sister. She hates being called ELena because she is Italian and not Latina, though she has nothing against them. Alaina doesn't go for jocks or big guys because she likes the quiet nerds. She doesn't like to talk about her past and prefers the future. She loves little children and could write a book if she wanted to.
Jock: O my god, dude. Have you seen Elena today? She's so smart! I wish she could do my homework.
Nerd: Alaina won't do your homework. She's totally to wrapped up in that book to notice you.
Jock: Whatever. I'm going to go talk to her about it.
Alaina: Don't even think about it. I'm going to hit you with this book. I'm not doing your homework for you.
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guy=damn her ass fat
Alaina=thank you
guy=you wanna date
by alaina#123 January 29, 2016
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Alaina is silly goose who does very silly goose things and also has a big ass, it's quite unfair but we move
Person one "omg look it's a silly goose"
Person two "noo that's not a silly goose! THATS ALAINA"
by Purpledinosaur11 November 9, 2019
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Alaina is a girl that will change your whole world. She may be sensitive but that won't hurt you. She is a beautiful young lady with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Omg look at thatgirl with brown hair and blue eyes. She must be an Alaina.
by No_Boys_allowed2008 October 12, 2019
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The perfect height, the bluest eyes, the prettiest smile and the most reliable and trustworthy girl you’ll every meet. She can be your best friend and also your soulmate. She’s very into sport and loves to show her true colors around the people that mean the most to her. She can also be a little mean if you mess with her to much or she can maybe even pinch your nipples and try and mess with you back. Don’t joke around with her to much, she will get pissed. But other then that she’s freak in the sheet and has a bubble butt. She will bring love and joy into your life and make sure to keep you in the right track in life. If you run into a Alaina make sure you get ahold of them because they are a different kind of girl and they are rare to find these days. Loyal, sweet, beautiful and a best friend.
Dude I met a chick named Alaina and bro omg she’s literally a gift from god.
by Ralton2219 August 19, 2019
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Alaina is a.. she doesn’t know who she is. She is really insecure, but hides it behind her smile. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and she is very loud. She is very skinny and cares about everyone. People say she is pretty , but she Denies is, because she is very insecure
Alaina you are so pretty.
Alaina: I’m really not..
by Hello we’re the March 8, 2019
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An Alaina is usually a blonde with amazing hair and a great bod. Many people dont like her because she can be a bitch, but her closest friends know how great she is. She sticks up for her friends no matter what. Every guy drools over her but will never admit it. She will also never admit how many guys she hooked up with
guy 1: damn did you see that alaina girl
guy 2: yea bro shes hot as fuck

girl 1: ugh i wish i could be that alaina bitch
girl 2: who doesnt
by finesseyoman February 26, 2018
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