The scale used to determine the physical attractiveness of another person. Can also include personality, but let's face it, not usually.
Guy 1: hey did you see that girl? She's a total 10 on a 1-10 scale
Guy 2: you know it bro, just got her number
by Karab okama September 17, 2016
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1- You’re not attractive

2- You’re not easy to look at but you have maybe around 1 good feature
3- You’re not too hard to look at, but still not considered to be pretty
4- You’re not too bad and you have a few good things about you
5- You’re on the verge of being pretty
6- You’re pretty but not THAT pretty
7- You’re pretty and not someone that someone would be ashamed to be with

8- You’re beautiful and someone others would chase
9- You’re hella pretty and make others envy you


NOTE: Remember your number doesn’t defy you and you’re gorgeous in your own way, these are just on a different scale than what some may prefer. Just remember you’re still beautiful even if a number says otherwise.
by Chiccychey February 9, 2019
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1. Normal person
2. Normal person
3. Normal person
4. Normal person
5. Normal person
6. Normal person

7. Normal person
8. Normal person
9. Normal person
10. Perfection/ not actually seen in the wild
12. My Girlfriend <3, past perfection.
"Alexa you are a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"
"Ray your girlfriend is a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"
by yarmond February 12, 2019
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A scale where 10 is the hottest and 1 is the fugliest
On a 1-10 scale: Damn that' girls ass is a 10 but her face is a 2
by Chick832 September 9, 2016
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1-Hideous, you can't stand looking at them and is just awful looking and unattractive.

1 1/2-Still not good looking but close to being almost just ugly. For a 1 1/2 means a lot.


3-You just don't find them attractive and can't help the way you feel. 3 is a harsh rating but usually easy to get over.

4-Just plain ugly

5-Average, may be slightly good looking but long way

5 1/2-So close to getting past average

6-Cute, they don't make you horny.

7-Attractive but doesn't make you sexually driven.



10-You find them completely SEXY! You would have sexual relations with them.
Trey: What is Linda on a 1-10 scale?

Aaron: Eww, she's a 2.
by tamtam27 October 22, 2010
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when you look at a girl and want to lowkey tell your friend what you think of her without getting her attention of straight up calling her ugly.
GUY 1: "fam look at that girl, dang"
GUY 1: "you usin the 1-10 scale or the 1-1 scale?"
by lelmaker55 September 9, 2016
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This is mostly used to determined the level of attractiveness of a woman but can be used on a man or an object. 1 meaning absolutely foul and 10 meaning pure lush.
I saw a foul looking girl today, I'd say she was a 3 at the most.

This food is proper stunning, it's a 10 at the least

Mate: what do you think of that lad
Girl: he's alright, he's like a 4 maybe a 5

Mate on the 1-10 scale she is most definitely an 10
by PepsiBottle September 2, 2016
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