a person who realizes at the very last minute that her boyfriend who claimed to be a BORN AGAIN VIRGIN was actually gay and world NEVER perform in the sack EVER!!!
Jennifer thought that it was a little weird that her fiance whom she had been engaged to for years never wanted to have sex even when she threw it in his face and became a RUNAWAY BRIDE.
by Deborah Spicer June 25, 2006
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This syndrome could happen at any time but can be intensified by the consumption of alcohol. This is what happens when one cannot stop bragging on themself and all of their best qualities. When alcohol is involved, they may make the same statements repeatedly and loudly as a means of inforcing the validity of the statement and/or tell stories that magnify their greatness.
Hey boss, I am really glad to see you out tonight. I wanted to talk to you about the recent promotion I put in for. I know you gave the position to Mike but I think there are a few things you overlooked....

Two friends watching interaction painfully in the distance;
Friend 1: Oh man, Sam has a bad case of runaway ego syndrome tonight. Should we save him?
Friend 2: No man, let's let it play out a little bit first.
by Kaelli June 15, 2010
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When a man is fucking a girl/guy doggy style , while holding her hair firmly. he whispers in her ear " i have aids" and she will try to runaway, but she cant because your holding her hair.
im going to try the old "runaway horse" tonight
by muwhahaMAN May 20, 2010
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A: Hey man, did you see that cottonfarm-runaway yesterday?
B: No, I didn't. It was dark.
by PunKama October 1, 2018
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1: An individual who claims to support a particular political party, but they seldom support a majority of the actions that party performs and or the policies they implement
2: A person, usually a young adult, who moves away from their parents or guardians’ home, earlier than most people do, and rarely to never speaks to their parents or guardians because of extreme differences in their political beliefs. Often times, this occurs because the individual is almost constantly having disagreements with their parents and or guardians, who don’t respect their views and put them down constantly because of their views, over various issues, which politics is frequently brought up, to the point where it is having a significant negative impact on their health and wellbeing. So, in order to improve their health, social and political freedom, and overall wellbeing, they wind up moving out as soon as they possibly can; often times to a place that is far away from their original home.
Angelia moved to Seattle, Washington to avoid constantly having to deal with her parent’s extreme political views. She is a political runaway.
by Vanguard 1998 January 5, 2022
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A Runaway is a faceless being that likes floofy hair among the Twenty One Pilots fanbase. Runaway's tend to be pretty neat
Jackie: Hey Runaway show your face if you have a face
by totesnotjackie August 11, 2018
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Its the thing Edward from Twilight does when he even breaths one Bella
Mom! , Im a Runaway
by Sunny_Side_oflife August 1, 2021
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