like crisis..but without the other s. so it’s like plural??? like cacti ig
i’m having multiple crisi rn
by MCyeehaw123 September 14, 2019
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A person or business-establishment that "moves in for the kill" whenever others are in a tight spot, hoping to "score big" due to the victims-of-circumstance's feelings of helplessness and desperation.
Some high-school guys with raging hormones purposely cram and toil to "exceptionally learn" math, English, history, science, etc, so that they can then extract sexual favors from less-competent girls who need help with their homework --- what shameless crisis opportunists!
by QuacksO August 12, 2018
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When you are a young or single mum who feels they missed out on their youth so start doing reckless and youthful things. Such as dating someone super young, wearing revealing or younger looking clothes, spending less time with your kids and more time partying. Just living it up away from your kids in general. Like Kourtney Kardhasian and her partying, young beau and interesting wardrobe change.
She's definitely going through a mum life crisis, her boyfriend is 20 years younger than her and she's been out everyday this week.
by Doox95 May 15, 2018
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The day everyone who can't celebrate halloween has a identitycrisis.
person 1: "what day is it?"

person 2: "it' s National Identity crisis-day!"
by setting66 October 31, 2021
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crisis that happens in mid life where you feel like you didn't achieve anything, didn't do anything
and get angry and upset at the whole life decisions. and all they want is really a person to put them on a leash and roughly fuck brains out and makes you a personal little slut and plays games
and the only person met like that is online and lives in another part of the world
I am so angry and stressed out that I wish i had someone to spend the time with is called Sam-Mantha-Mid-Life-Crisis
by MoR.Prophesy July 14, 2020
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Sounds the same as 'Quare Icy'
The roads are Crisy tonight
by Mmurphy01 January 21, 2020
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